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Smidgin 700ml & Branded Glass 00006


Smidgin 700ml & Branded Glass

Category: Smidgin Article code: 00006

Smidgin Classic London Dry Gin and glass to fully enjoy every drop of our small taste of perfection. Smidgin’s recipe is based on fresh foraged juniper berries and mountain tea, distilled in a traditional copper alembic still in our MCM craft distillery in the heart of Skopje.

0.7 l
41,0% vol.
Price incl. VAT.1l = 84,29 CHF
59.00 CHF each
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Our botanical ingredients are fresh and full of essential oils, wild Macedonian juniper and mountain tea, shaved angelica root, coriander seeds, whole bark from cinnamon trees in Sri Lanka, fragrant cloves from India, fresh almonds.

Tasting Notes

Aromas of juniper, herbal mountain tea, grapefruit and orange citrus, and earthy spice. On the palate, oily with juniper, refreshing citrus, spice and herbal and herbaceous notes. A finish of juniper, black pepper, cinnamon and lingering citrus.

Serving Suggestion

Gin & Tonic with a garnish of Lemon Peel or Grapefruit, or in a Martini, White Lady or Gimlet.

Macedonian juniper
Mountain tea
Shaved angelica root
Coriander seeds
Bark from cinnamon trees
Fragrant cloves
Fresh almonds
Citrus fruit

Smidgin Classic London Dry Gin und Glas, um jeden Tropfen unseres kleinen Geschmacks der Perfektion voll und ganz zu genießen. Das Rezept von Smidgin basiert auf frisch geernteten Wacholderbeeren und Bergtee, die in unserer MCM-Handwerksbrennerei im Herzen von Skopje in einem traditionellen Destillierkolben aus Kupfer destilliert werden.

Smidgin Classic London Dry Gin e bicchiere per gustare appieno ogni goccia del nostro piccolo assaggio di perfezione. La ricetta di Smidgin si basa su bacche di ginepro fresche raccolte e tè di montagna, distillati in un tradizionale alambicco di rame nella nostra distilleria artigianale MCM nel cuore di Skopje.

Smidgin Classic London Dry Gin et verre pour profiter pleinement de chaque goutte de notre petit goût de perfection. La recette de Smidgin est basée sur des baies de genévrier fraîchement récoltées et du thé de montagne, distillées dans un alambic en cuivre traditionnel dans notre distillerie artisanale MCM au cœur de Skopje.

Smidgin Classic London Dry џин и стакло за целосно уживање во секоја капка од нашиот мал вкус на совршенство. Рецептот на Смиџин се заснова на свежи фуражни бобинки од смрека и планински чај, дестилирани во традиционален бакар алембик сè уште во нашата занаетчиска дестилерија MCM во срцето на Скопје.

Weight: 100 kg
Brand: SmidginSmidgin
MCM Distillery

Smidgin is distilled and bottled in the historic MCM building in the heart of Skopje.

The MCM distillery is a 120 year old recognizable landmark, fitted-out for craft production using a traditional copper alembic still, with bottles carefully filled and labeled by Smidgin's personal distillers.

It is in one of the most iconic buildings in North Macedonia’s capital city of Skopje. Anyone in the city knows what you mean when you say MCM. It is famous as one of the few buildings that survived a devastating earthquake in 1963. It is a beautiful building, a symbol of resilience, and you can see a quick walkthrough on our website. We are very proud of the space we have and there are lots of plans to do more once we have some more funds.

MCM Distillery in Skopje was established in 2021 and their flagship gin, Smidgin, was conceived by gin enthusiasts Graeme Lowther and Ivan Skenderoski and inspired by their desire to showcase the world-renowned North Macedonian juniper. Smidgin is a one-shot London Dry Gin distilled in a traditional 300L copper alembic still. The gin features fresh juniper rather than the traditionally used dried juniper, as well as mountain tea - a type of wild sage.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Despite careful quality control, it can happen that wines have a cork taste or other impairments.

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